I created this blog to chronicle our journey with Shakib, a 17-year old Afghan high school student who is living with my husband and me for the 2010-2011 school year. As my blog title suggests, I expect this experience to forever change us -- an Irish Catholic woman, a Jewish man, and our Muslim "son." In fact, I expect it to change everything.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jumping off the cliff

Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down. - Ray Bradbury


Shakib is in flight. He will be landing at LAX in 90 minutes. In 90 minutes our lives will take a new direction. 


I am thrilled, excited, scared, elated, but most of all deeply moved and touched by the opportunity ahead. 


We have been planning for this moment since May. We've been through our parent orientation and read the program handbook and materials. We've cleaned out our garage and guest room, reorganizing our home to prepare for Shakib's arrival.


Jon is 63. I am 50. We have never been parents before. How different is our experience from that of any other expectant parent? Not much I suspect. You read all the books on what to expect, and then you deal with reality. 


Bringing a child into your life causes upheaval. I expect ups and downs. And I expect to love this boy who is trusting us with his life, his experience, and his education for the next 11 months.   


Today we leap. We'll build our wings on the way down.


sava said...

Mo, I cannot wait to hear more.
Wishing you joy, love and wonderment :)


Maureen Charles said...

Thanks, Sava.

Unknown said...

This is so moving. Thank you so much for sharing this experience!

Maureen Charles said...

Thank you, Elise. You and Denis hold a special place in our hearts. I cannot imagine doing this without the Landmark Communication Curriculum and all of the training and development I've received from you.

Diane said...

In high school and beyond my family hosted several students from various countries. I know that my "siblings" from other countries opened my eyes to a world I didn't know. It was such a great experience for me and my family. I am still in contact with one "brother." It is a special bond for everyone. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Mo, it is fascinating to get this view into the amazing adventure you and Jon have just begun. This will most certainly change all of your lives in many ways that are unforseen today. Shakib seems like a nice young man, and he has no idea yet how lucky he is to be able to share love with you both and experience the positive influence you and Jon are going to make in his life. Likewise your jump into the fire of parenthood with a 17 year old Afghan boy will surely stretch you and expand your hearts beyond the oceans they are today.
I'm excited to follow your journey, so thank you for sharing the adventure through this blog.

Love, Craig

Anonymous said...

Hi Mo,
This is Greg Prestopino (I know your hubby). I just read your postings and want to say that they are fascinating to read. What an amazing thing to do. I hope you don't get bored with writing this because I am excited to hear how your life develops over the coming year.